CookieBar plugin

CookieBar plugin
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Version 1.00
Author KheopsDESIGN
License: MIT and LGPL
Downloads: 2068

On the 26th of May 2012, the EU government decided it was necessary for every website available inside the EU to have to give visitors the option to allow or disable cookies. While most people saw this as unnecessary and a disruption to collecting analytical data, etc, the EU law was passed. One of the EU's steps towards ruining the internet.



The Cookie Bar plugin creates a small bar at the top or bottom of the website with a short message about cookies and accept, decline, and privacy policy buttons.

Once a user has made the decision to either accept or decline, the Cookie Bar slides up, then disappears.

The Cookie Bar is also very easy to style. There are just 9 lines of CSS code in total. Changing the heights, widths, background colours, etc. is very quick and easy meaning it can fit in with the website design and colour scheme.

 Credits and documentation at primebox