
Install Download

Version 1.10
Author ImpressPages
License: MIT and LGPL
GIT [email protected]:impresspages-plugins/HybridAuth.git
Downloads: 3743

Social login to Google, Facebook, GitHub, etc. Implements OAuth protocol.


Allow your visitors to login using their existing Google, Facebook or GitHub accounts.


  1. Install User plugin.
  2. Upload `HybridAuth` directory from downloaded archive to your website's `Plugin` directory. (skip if installing from within CMS)
  3. Login to the administration area. Go to `Plugins` panel, locate `HybridAuth` plugin and click `activate` button. (skip if installing from within CMS)
  4. Fill plugin configuration panel with your application OAuth IDs and secrets. See instructions below on how to do this.

Setting up login via Facebook

  1. Login to Facebook, and open https://developers.facebook.com/apps page. 
  2. Click `Create New App` button, and go thru the wizard to create your application. 
  3. Copy APP ID and APP secret, open ImpressPages HybridAuth plugin settings, and paste them.
  4. Click `Setttings` menu, `Add Platform` button, click `Website`. Specify your Site URL, e.g. http://www.example.com

Setting up login via Google

  1. Login to Google developer console https://console.developers.google.com/project
  2. Click `CREATE PROJECT` button. Enter your project name and click `Create` button.
  3. Click on your new project in project list.
  4. Click `APIs & auth` menu, then click `Credentials` menu.
  5. Click `CREATE NEW CLIENT ID` button.
  6. Use `Web application` type. 
  7. Type your ImpressPages website address in `AUTHORIZED JAVASCRIPT ORIGINS` field, e.g. http://www.example.com
  8. In `AUTHORIZED REDIRECT URI` field, enter callback URL, e.g. http://www.example.com/?pa=HybridAuth.callback&hauth.done=Google
  9. Copy `Client ID` and `Client secret` values, open ImpressPages HybridAuth plugin settings, and paste them.

Setting up login via GitHub

  1. Login to your GitHub account. Click `Account settings` button.
  2. Click `Applications` menu, then click `Register New Application` button.
  3. Enter `Application name` (e.g., `My App`) and `Homepage URL` (e.g., http://www.example.com)
  4. Enter `Authorization callback URL`, e.g. http://www.example.com/?pa=HybridAuth.callback&hauth.done=GitHub
  5. Click `Register Application` button.
  6. Copy `Client ID` and `Client Secret` values, open ImpressPages HybridAuth plugin settings, and paste them.
  7. To be able to login via GitHub, user must enter `Email (will be public)` field on GitHub account profile.


example.com/login and example.com/registration pages of your website will be automatically populated with alternative login options.

If you don't see alternative login options available, you haven't done the installation steps properly.