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Version 2.00
Author D.Lang
License: MIT and LGPL
GIT [email protected]:danielang/portfolio.git
Downloads: 5945

Add filterable tiles to your site


Attention: If you upgrade from version 1.0x will this cause data loss!!!

This plugin add two widgets to Impresspages:

  1. The Portfolio widget, who adds sortable and filterable Blocks to your page.
  2. The Tile widget, who adds the style of a tile known from version 1


  • Add blocks to your page, whitch are filterable and sortable with the buttons above the blocks.
  • Arrange blocks and filters per drag and drop (since version 1.01)
  • Support translation (since version 1.03)

If you find a bug or have suggestions please write a mail to: social.lang.daniel[at]outlook.com 

Feel free to coustomize the code :)


  1. Extract the *.zip file
  2. copy/upload the Portfolio folder to your impresspages plugin folder (root/Plugins)
  3. activate the Plugin in the impresspages backend
  4. use it :)


  • 1.00: initial
  • 1.01: Added missed styles and sortable filters (with drag&drop)
  • 1.02: Bugfix: Wait for big images, then call init() -> Thanks for the report Laura!
  • 1.03:
    • Bugfix: static widgetId in widgetdata causes bug after saving in IP because the plugin uses the old widgetId -> Thanks for the report Arben Lezi!
    • Added translation support
  • 2.00:
    • Split Portfolio & Tile Widget
    • Possibility to add any Impresspages widget
    • Space and special char support for filters
    • Sortable Tiles