Web push notification

Web push notification
Buy    $10.99

Version 1.01
Author WannaCo
License: ImpressPages
Download count for paid plugins is not available

Allow admins to send web push notifications through Onesignal without having to share or grant access to your OneSingal account.

Build engagement with your visitors, communicate the right information via Push notifications


Create a OneSignal account if you haven't already https://onesignal.com/ 

Reaching visitors is simple with push notifications. Visitors who subscribe to get notifications from your website will get push notifications that you send. either new products you put out for sale or new content.

OneSignal is a great service but complicated to manage. If you need a Content Manager to take care of that task simply add this plugin and let them handle it for you.

once installed it'll  appear in your ImpressPages CMS admin munu

It is managed via the ImpressPages Grid system

 And it'll be logged and pushed accordingly by OneSignal 

So you get the best of the best


Create a OneSignal account if you haven't already https://onesignal.com/ 

Reaching visitors is simple with push notifications. Visitors who subscribe to get notifications from your website will get push notifications that you send. either new products you put out for sale or new content.

OneSignal is a great service but complicated to manage. If you need a Content Manager to take care of that task simply add this plugin and let them handle it for you.

once installed it'll  appear in your ImpressPages CMS admin munu

It is managed via the ImpressPages Grid system

 And it'll be logged and pushed accordingly by OneSignal 

in terms of statistics and analytics via OneSignal and ImpressPages with push notifications. 


 1. Configure OneSignal settings


Go to App Settings and click Configure for the Google Chrome platform

1.1 Enter Site URL

Most users may just enter their base site URL for this field (e.g. example.com). However, if your site meets one of the below cases, please follow these recommendations:

My site uses a subfolder

If your site uses a subfolder, like example.com/blog (where blog is the subfolder), please only enter example.com.

My site uses both www and non-www links

For sites that are accessible from both www & non-www links, such as example.com AND www.example.com, please only enter the one that you wish to send push notifications from.

RECOMMENDED - redirect traffic from one to the other (e.g. users that browse to example.com are redirected to www.example.com), so that all your traffic only goes to one.

1.2 Enter Icon URL

Enter a link to an icon file that is at least 80x80 pixels (RECOMMENDED size is 192x192). The file must be .png, .jpg, or .gif.

2. Upload required files

2.1 Download and unzip the SDK files.

You should have:

  • manifest.json
  • OneSignalSDKWorker.js
  • OneSignalSDKUpdaterWorker.js

2.2 Edit manifest.json:

  • Change name and short_name to your site's name
  • Do not change the gcm_sender_id key (482941778795). This is a shared key used for push notifications (previously it required your own key, but this is no longer needed!)

{ "name": "YOUR_SITE_NAME", "short_name": "YOUR_SITE_NAME", "start_url": "/", "display": "standalone", "gcm_sender_id": "482941778795" }

2.3 Upload the files to the top-level root of your site directory. The following URLs should be publicly accessible:

  • https://yoursite.com/manifest.json
  • https://yoursite.com/OneSignalSDKWorker.js
  • https://yoursite.com/OneSignalSDKUpdaterWorker.js

Once all the steps above have been done install the plugin as any other ImpressPages Plugin

Plugin settings require the App Id and REST API key which can be found as shown below

The plugin settings is intuitive